

に相違ないni soui naiwithout a doubt; certain; sure
に過ぎないni suginaino more than; just; merely; only~
に伴ってni tomonatteas; due to; with; along with; following
につけni tsukeevery time; whenever; as; whether
につきni tsukidue to; because of; per; each
にわたってni watattethroughout; over a period of
にも関わらずnimo kakawarazudespite; in spite of; nevertheless
にてnitein, at, with, by (formal particle)
のももっともだno mo motto mo dano wonder; …is only natural
の下でno moto deunder; with~
の上ではno ue de waaccording to; from the viewpoint of~
のみならずnominarazunot only; besides; as well as~
nunegative verb conjugation (traditional)
抜きにしてnuki ni shitewithout; leaving out; cutting out~
抜くnukufrom beginning to end; completely
を契機にo keiki nias a good opportunity/chance to
をめぐってo megutteconcerning; in regard to~
をもとにo moto nibased on; derived from; building on
を除いてo nozoiteexcept; with the exception of
を問わずo towazuregardless of; irrespective of; no matter
お~願うo~negauplease do; could you please~
おまけにomake nito make matters worse; what's more
恐らくosorakuperhaps; likely; probably; I dare say~
恐れがあるosore ga aruit is feared that; to be in danger of
及びoyobiand; as well as~
ろくに~ないroku ni~nainot well; not enough; improperly
幸いなことにsaiwai na koto nifortunately; luckily; thankfully~
せいかsei kaperhaps because~
せっかくsekkakuespecially; (thank you for) troubling to
せめてsemeteat least; at most~
次第shidaias soon as, dependent upon
次第でshidai dedepending on; so~
次第にshidai nigradually; in sequence; in order
しかもshikamomoreover; furthermore; what’s more~
その上sono uebesides; in addition; furthermore~
それなのにsore na noniand yet; despite this; but even so~
それならsore naraif that’s the case; if so~
それにしてもsore ni shitemonevertheless; at any rate; even so
そう言えばsou iebacome to think of it~
そうするとsou suru tohaving done that; if that is done
末にsue nifinally; after; following; at the end
少しも~ないsukoshi mo~nainot one bit; not even a little~
少なくともsukunaku tomoat least~
直ちにtadachi niat once; immediately; directly
たまえtamaedo~; order somebody to do something
てばかりはいられないte bakari wa irarenaican’t keep doing~
てでもte demoeven if I have to; by all means~
て以来te iraisince; henceforth~
ていてはte ite waif one keeps doing~
てこそte kosonow that; since (something happened)
てまでte madeeven; will go far so as to~
てならないte naranaican't help but; dying to; extremely~
てたまらないte tamaranaican't help but; dying to; extremely~
て当然だte touzen danatural; as a matter of course
ては / ではtewa / dewawhenever; if; when~; repetitive action
てはいられないtewa irarenaican’t afford to; unable to~
てはならないtewa naranaimust not; cannot; should not~
ては~てはtewa~tewarepetitive situations/actions
と同時にto douji niat the same time as; while
といったto ittalike; such as~
というふうにto iu fuu niin such a way that~
ということはto iu koto wathat is to say; in other words~
というものだto iu mono dasomething like; something called~
というものではないto iu mono dewa naithere is no guarantee that~
と考えられるto kangaerareruone can think that; it is conceivable that
とか(で)toka (de)I heard that~
とっくにtokku nilong ago; already; a long time ago
ところだったtokoro dattawas just about to do something
ところにtokoro niat the time; just as I was~
ところを見るとtokoro o miru tojudging from; seeing that~
ともtomoeven if; no matter; though~
としてもtoshitemoassuming; even if~
つつtsutsuwhile; even though; despite~
つつあるtsutsu aruto be doing; in the process of doing~
上はue wanow that; since; as long as~
はもとよりwa moto yorialso; let alone; from the beginning
はともかくwa tomokakuanyhow; anyway; regardless
わずかにwazuka nislightly; only; barely; narrowly~
あげくagekuto end up; in the end; finally; after all
やがてyagatebefore long; soon; almost; eventually~
やら~やらyara~yarasuch things as A and B; and so on~
あるいはaruiwaor; either; maybe; perhaps; possibly
よほど / よっぽどyohodo / yoppodovery; greatly; much; to a large extent
より [2]yorifrom~ (a time, place, or person)
ばかりbakariabout, approximately
よりほかないyori hoka naito have no choice but~
ようではyou dewaif~ (bad result)
ばかりだbakari dacontinue to (go in negative direction)
ようではないかyou dewa nai kalet’s do (something); why don’t we~
ようか~まいかyou ka~mai kawhether or not; considering options
ばかりかbakari kanot only.. but also; as well as
要するにyou suru niin short; in a word; to sum up
ざるを得ないzaru o enaicannot help (doing); have no choice but
ばかりにbakari nisimply because; on account of
ずに済むzu ni sumuget by without doing~
ちなみにchinaminiby the way; incidentally
ちっとも~ないchitto mo~nai(not) at all; (not) in the least
だけあってdake attebeing the case; precisely because
だけましだdake mashi dait’s better than; should feel grateful for
だけにdake nibeing the case; precisely because
だけのことはあるdake no koto wa aruas expected of; not for nothing
だけはdake wato do all that one can
だってdattebecause; but; after all; even; too
でしかないde shika naimerely; nothing but; no more than
どころではないdokoro dewa nainot the time for; far from
どころかdokoro kafar from; anything but; let alone
どうやらdou yaraapparently; seems like; somehow
どうせdouseanyhow; in any case; at any rate
得ないenaiunable to; cannot; it is not possible to~
得るeru / urucan; to be able to; is possible to~
再びfutatabiagain; once more
ふうにfuu nithis way; that way; in such a way; how
がきっかけでga kikkake deas a result of; taking advantage of
gelooks like; seems like; appears to
逆にgyaku niconversely; on the contrary
反面hanmenwhile, although; on the other hand
果たしてhatashiteas was expected; sure enough; really
一応ichioumore or less; pretty much; roughly
以外igaiwith the exception of; excepting
以上にijou nimore than; not less than; beyond
以上はijou wabecause; since; seeing that
いきなりikinariabruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden
一気にikki niin one go; without stopping; all at once
一方でippou deon one hand, on the other hand
いわゆるiwayuruwhat is called; as it is called; so-called
いよいよiyoiyoat last; finally; beyond doubt
joufor the sake of; from the standpoint of
かのようにka no you nias if; just like
かと思ったらka to omottarajust when; no sooner than
か~ないかのうちにka~nai ka no uchi nijust as; right after; as soon as
かえってkaetteon the contrary; rather; all the more
限りkagirias long as; while… is the case; as far as
甲斐があるkai ga aruit’s worth one’s efforts to do something
かねないkanenai(someone) might do something
かねるkaneruunable to do something; can’t do~
から言うとkara iu toin terms of; from the point of view of
からこそkara kosoprecisely because
から見るとkara miru tofrom the point of view of; judging from
からにはkara niwanow that; since; so long as; because
からしてkara shitejudging from; based on; since; from
からするとkara suru tojudging from; considering
からと言ってkara to ittejust because; even if; even though~
っこないkkonaino chance of; definitely not possible
ことだkoto dashould do~ (suggestions or advice)
ことだからkoto dakarabecause; since~
ことかkoto kahow…!; what…!
ことなくkoto nakuwithout doing something even once
ことにkoto niemphasize speaker's feelings
ことにはならないkoto niwa naranaijust because… doesn’t mean~
くせしてkuse shitealthough~; despite the fact that~
まだしもmadashimorather; better
まいmaiwill not; intend not to
ままにmama nias, to do as~
全く~ないmattaku~nainot at all~
もかまわずmo kamawazuwithout caring; without worrying
も当然だmo touzen dait’s only natural; no wonder
もの / もんmono / monbecause; reason/ excuse/dissatisfaction
ものだmono dadescribe feeling; express memories
ものだからmono dakaraso; therefore; the reason for something
ものではないmono dewa naishouldn’t do something; it’s impossible
ものがあるmono ga aruthere is such a thing; to be the case
ものか / もんかmono ka / mon kaas if; there's no way~
ものならmono naraif [A] is possible, then [B]
もののmononobut; although; even though~
もっともmotto mobut then; although; though~
もう少しでmou sukoshi dealmost; nearly, close to~
ないではいられないnai dewa irarenaican’t help but feel; can’t help but do
ないことには~ないnai koto niwa~naiunless you~
中を /中ではnaka o /naka dewain; on; in the midst of; when; while~
なくはないnaku wa naiit’s not that; I may (double negative)
なくて済むnakute sumuget by without doing~
何も~ないnani mo~nainothing; (not) ~ at all
なおnaostill; yet; furthermore; in addition~
ねばならないneba naranaihave to do; must; should~
にあたってni atatteat the time; on the occasion of~
にほかならないni hoka naranainothing but; none other than~
に限らずni kagirazunot just; not only.. but also~
に限るni kagiruis best; nothing is better than~
に限ってni kagitteonly; in particular~
に関わらずni kakawarazuin spite of; regardless of~
に関わるni kakawaruto relate to; to have to do with
に決まっているni kimatte irucertainly; I’m sure/certain that
に越したことはないni koshita koto wa naiit’s best that, nothing better than
に応えてni kotaetein response to
に加えてni kuwaetein addition
に基づいてni motozuitebased on; on the basis of
に向かってni mukatteto face; to go towards; to head to
に応じてni oujitedepending on; in accordance with
に際してni saishiteon the occasion of; at the time of
に先立ちni sakidachibefore; prior to
にせよ/ にしろni seyo/ ni shiroeven if; regardless; whether... or
にしろ~にしろni shiro~ni shirowhether… or~
にしたらni shitarafrom one’s perspective
にしてもni shitemoregardless of whether
に沿ってni sottealong with; in accordance with
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